All Abilities Gym
Fitness Training, After-School Activities, Respite Events, and other Services for Families with Special Needs and their Friends

"Creating a Safe, Sensory Rich Fitness Environment for People with Special Needs"
All Abilities Gym will specialize in fitness training for those with Special Needs. Our Occupational and Sensory equipment as well as Enrichment Classes and Social/Behavioral Skills Classes will be led by Certified Trainers and Behaviorists. Additionally, Parent Education and Networking Opportunities will help build relationships and strengthen families in our community.
"Train athletes with I/DD, ASD and other neurodiverse abilities to increase balance, flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular endurance."
"Teach athletes how to independently manage their own fitness regime."
"Include athletes who are Typically Developing to raise awareness of our athletes with Special Needs."
"Foster an inclusive environment."
"Help as many families as we can!"