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All Staff are Experienced in Special Needs Methodologies
& Continually Update Their Skills


Deborah received her Master's in Special Education, is Certified in Autism Movement Therapy, (AMT,) and Group Fitness Instruction.  She is also a Credentialed High School Teacher and former Public Health Educator.  Perhaps the most rewarding job title is that of Mother to two children; one with "Severe Autism".

     "When my youngest was first diagnosed with autism, I was crushed. I had to try to accept his limitations and begin to grieve for the loss of the child I had PLANNED to raise. I was then hopeful, because I was sure that the various agencies and schools would jump to my aid. I was determined to find a plan of action to help my child recover. Along the way, there have been many tears and disappointments, but mostly I have found great comfort and camaraderie from other moms and families affected by various developmental delays."


Some universities in our area are collaborating to provide "hands-on experience" for their grad. students who are studying to be Teachers, Psychologists, Behaviorists, Nurses, Doctors, Speech Therapists, and Occupational Therapists.  From these partnerships, families are benefitting from highly educated workers' guidance of their children, the grad. students are getting field experience, the universities are able to place students in the field to learn to apply their academic training.  It's a "win-win-win" situation for all!


For information on Sonoma State's CATS Program, use this link:





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